Monday, September 7, 2009

Two steps forward... one step back

This is going to be a quick write up. I basically realized how it's been a while since I've blogged, so I decided to make a short and sweet entry for tonight just to cure the blogging craving I'm having. I really shouldn't be though. I just started back to school last week and I'm already behind on work. My first week back started out amazingly. I worked out every day, kept my room clean, stayed organized, and was able to maintain a generally good attitude about everything, though some days were easier to do so than others. Even though I had to take my bike into the bike shop four times in one week, I kept the stress level down and my hopes for the semester high. But like I said... I'm already behind in my classes. I guess that's what happens when I make weekend trips home. So needless to say, I have a good game of catch-up to play. I'm currently "working on school work" and watching football, but mostly talking and laughing it up with some work friends of mine. I should be writing my paper over my career goals and plan for school (for my Intro to Ag. Comm. class... easy breezy) but this just sounded like more fun. (For me, not for you. For you this is the lamest blog you've ever read and by now you're thinking about all the better things you have to do.)

With that said, I'm going to peace out and get back to work. The good stuff will come sometime this week. And I'm thinking I better keep on top of this just like my school work if I'm seriously considering making something out of it... whatever that might be.


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