The time is currently 3:41 in the A.M. and I am suffering from a severe case of insomnia, a mild case of the munchies, and experiencing slight pains throughout my left arm and hand, as well as my shoulders and neck. Wow. I'm quite a mess. Medicine for the insomnia: a relaxing shower and trying to rest my mind. Medicine for the munchies: Triscuits. Medicine for the pain: None. I choose to tough that one out. I have to be at work at 10 in the morning, so I'm pretty disappointed that I'm losing so much sleep. At least school hasn't started yet. That's a plus.
It's crazy how fast time has gone by since I've been laying here though. It was lights out at about midnight... prayers til about 12:45 (Me and the man had lots to talk about apparently)... then I did some usual "day dreaming" where I like to think about all the things going on in my life currently and relate them to both the past and the future while conjuring up ideas in my head of things I'd like to happen. I took a good look back on many of my summer events: visiting Elisha in Austin; taking classes that I hated; starting a blog; hanging out with Jacy every day; making trips home; going to South Padre; late nights at Northgate; changing minors; my cousin's wedding; tattoos with my sister; moving again; going on great dates; and so many more fun things... new things... the list really could go on. So when 2 AM rolled around I thought about trying to read to fall asleep (Nope). Didn't want to. Maybe if I had the book I've been wanting, this idea wouldn't sound so bad. But I've been spending my money on DVDs lately, not books. By 3 AM I decided to get on the computer, hit up Facebook, and see if anyone else was out there sleepless like me. Turns out a few people were; several Facebookers' status's indicated I wasn't the only one suffering from insomnia (Cool). I checked out the Fort Worth website to see if anything neat would be going on the next time I'm in town (Nothing really caught my eye). Then a song popped into my head, perfect for the sleepless occasion, so I bought it off iTunes- "I'm a Sucker for a Kind Word" by Copeland. It says "Sleeplessness" in it a lot, so that's what made me think of it (Stellar song... you should check it out).
So now that I've listened to all 99 cents worth of a Copland croon, blogged about my late night/ early morning experience, and have yet to succeed at putting my mind to rest, I'm going to wish you good 'morrow. Hopefully I don't oversleep for work (That is, if I ever do fall asleep).
"I'd be hanging on their words
Like they almost meant a thing
In the only lullaby I heard,
Their sirens blaring, singing me to sleep
Holding my loved one tight...
On the softness of her laugh,
I could almost make my bed
But the racket of her absence joined
The sirens blaring ringing in my head
Holding nothing tight, Holding nothing tight
With my eyes so wide
In a house without a back door
I was looking for a fire escape
And I'll be ripping up the floorboards
Just trying to get away
From this sleeplessness, sleeplessness, sleeplessness"