Where there are roots, there is life- stability; a firm foundation. They are deep enough to thirst on pure waters far out of our reach and strong enough to grasp the earth during natures mighty storms and wicked winds. They feed; they give life.
Above the soil— above these buried limbs of life—there is air… there is light… there is openness and tranquility. So, dear friends… breathe. Swallow this air and bask in the sun. But hold onto solid ground, for up-heaving times will come.
Where there is a trunk, there is exposure- an outlet into the openness of the world. People will see you. People will use you. They will lean on you, sit by you, carve marks of love into you, and leave you with scars. Vulnerability may leave you weathered, but with your sturdiness and strength you will not be defeated.
Where there are branches, there are extensions- a reaching out in all directions. Low and high, east and west, these arms reach out and long for embrace. They beg for you to climb; they offer you a playground. So swing and enjoy your life. But be careful. Not all branches are as strong as others; too much tension may cause them to break. And if in fact one does break, it is blessed to have so many more… endless arms inviting of comfort.
Where there are leaves there are messages- one for every person who has been in your life. Some cling to their branches forever, while others fall and get carried away. No matter what, each leaf exists as outright proof of where they came from. For every leaf must come off a branch, every branch must extend from a trunk, every trunk must held in place by its roots, and in each and every root is pure nourishment for life. So take in all you can... let God fill you with faith and love. Grow. Then branch out.
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